RETIMA 0.9 beta is now available.

July 2021 Update. Because the new terms and conditions of Unity Reflect, it is not possible to offer anymore the free version of RETIMA for Reflect projects. Many thanks to all the users that have taken part of the beta.

The version 0.9 is the first open beta of RETIMA and the first release of the free version for Unity Reflect projects. Besides of many stability improvements, RETIMA 0.9 comes with new functionality and a few quality-of-life enhancements.


What is new in RETIMA 0.9

UI reorganization and FX settings.

The UI has got some refinements.

  • The time and date sliders and the controls for animated time simulation are now part of the main control panel.

  • All the sliders related to graphical settings are now in the settings panel, included the internal resolution sliders.

  • All the post-processing effects (FX) can be activated either globally or individually, besides of the intensity slider of each effect.

  • A simpler and sleeker design for the lateral tabs to activate the secondary panels.

  • We can collapse/expand all the presets groups withe double click of the right button.


Selection and elements info.

Now it is possible to select several elements using a window selection as conventional CAD/CAM applications, either with fully included (left to right) or cross (right to left).

  • If several elements of different categories are selected, we can filter each specific category to see the common properties of only the selected elements of that category.

  • The display of the properties is now a lot faster when selecting hundreds of thousands of elements, either with the project browser or with window selection.


Persons representation: edit and presets

The automatically generated sets of persons are now fully editable and can be saved as presets.

  • We can select any person(s) to freely move, copy or delete.

  • The person type represented can be changed directly with tab or we can place new persons with random type.

  • The current set of persons can be saved as a presets to be retrieved at any time.

All the tools and options related to persons representation are now in a separate secondary panel. Like the settings for the kind of representation (photo or flat color) and the floor elements to use for the automatic generation.


Use of available online resources for automatic generation of environments.

The geographical location of the project can be used to represent the map image (satellite or street) in real scale of the model.

  • We can represent the map with heights, that can very useful for mountain areas.

  • Automatic generation of buildings using the information available online with editable material color.

  • Custom settings to define the range to be used for the random height of the buildings, in the case that the actual building height is not variable online.

  • Edit tools for hiding automatically generated building if needed. Like for example if the overlap what is included in our model.

It must be understood that the automatically generated environment will not have the accuracy and precision of a custom site model. But it is an option available with just one click that can be useful depending of the specifics of our project.

Besides of the environment generation, there are some improvements related to the project location.

  • There is a new flying movement mode for large site environments.

  • The location window selection has a new UI with the possibility of direct input of latitude and longitude.

  • The location secondary panel shows a small map with the global location of the project.


RETIMA 0.9 is only available in the free version for Reflect projects

The standard version of RETIMA for Reflect projects is in private beta yet. An open beta is expected in the next release. You can know more in detail about the different RETIMA versions here. Keep in mind these main differences between the two versions for Reflect projects:

  • The free version is thought mainly as a viewer. The standard version has additional functionality for review and comments, with some model edit possibilities to be implemented in the future.

  • In the standard version the presets and location settings are synchronized online, being intermediately available to any other user opening the same Reflect projects. In the free version they are saved only locally.

  • The free version has some constrains related to the number of possible presets (max. 3 for each group) and the instant renders resolution (until FHD 1920x1080).


How can I give feedback about RETIMA 0.9

Any user feedback is greatly welcome. Until we set a proper channel for this, please use




Using the symbolic graphic style